
Microblading is a semi-permanent technique of hyper-realistic eyebrow tattooing intended for anyone over the age of 18 (persons under 18 must be accompanied by their parents) who that wants to correct the aesthetic problems of their eyebrows. This technique will create hair strokes that keep your brows looking full for up to 2 years.

This is a great service for anyone who wants more to add more definition, darken or reshape their brows. A consultation is required before the service and pre and post care instructions will be provided at the time of consultation and scheduling.

Microblading is the tattooing of individual hair strokes with a manual hand-held tool called a microblade. Unlike traditional tattooing, microblading technicians hand draw each hair to match the color and texture of a client’s eyebrows.

The eyebrows last 1 to 2 years for most customers. For permanent lips and eyeliner, the treatments last 3 to 5 years.

The appointment usually takes 2 hours total which includes drawing the eyebrows and selecting colors. The microblading part lasts 30-45 minutes.

We will review a complete list of pre-appointment instructions as your consultation.

A full list of post treatment instructions will be provided at your consultation. Some key items are to avoid getting the eyebrows wet, wearing brow makeup or going to the gym within the first 7 days.  Also avoid the sun and pool water while the microblading heals. Chlorine, exfoliation creams, and exposure to the sun can cause the eyebrows to fade It takes approximately 30 days for the eyebrows to completely heal, in which time you may experience some mild scabbing.