Safe and Painless: Why Microblading Is a Great Choice for All Skin Types

  • August 28, 2023

The world of beauty is ever changing. Eyebrow microblading is a creation that has changed the makeup industry drastically. Microblading creates a semi-permanent natural-looking brow. Below, Faces Med Spa professionals discuss everything about the technique that not only transforms sparse brows but also elevates your natural attributes. 

The Journey to Brow Perfection with Faces Microblading
Tired of waking up with sparse brows? At Faces, microblading leaves you with perfectly shaped brows and restored confidence
daily. Scheduling a consultation before your appointment helps to determine the perfect shape and design specifically for you. Our highly trained micropigmentation specialists will determine the best shape for you based on your goals and your natural eyebrow shape. 

Understanding Microblading
Microblading requires an expert to carefully place pigments into the skin to create natural-looking eyebrows. Following the consultation, your esthetician will shape and map the brows to ensure they are symmetrical. Our highly trained micropigmentation specialists at Faces Med Spa use a handheld tool with fine needles to create semi-permanent brows. 

Adapting to Different Skin Types
Microblading is popular with a variety of clients because of its ability to adapt to different skin types. Estheticians can customize the pigment color and direction of strokes based on the client’s skin. Here’s how the process can be catered to customers with different skin types:

Oily Skin

Clients with oily skin often believe that the pigment will fade quickly on their skin. However, the our highly trained micropigmentation specialists are able to select pigments specifically made for oily skin, resulting in longer-lasting results.

Dry Skin
When it comes to dry skin, it can be worrisome when it comes to pigment retention. During your consultation, be sure to let your esthetician know you have dry skin so they can match your skin with a stronger pigment to ensure long-lasting results.

Sensitive skin
If you have sensitive skin, don’t fret. The pigments used in microblading are hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. 

Dark Skin
Microblading can provide exceptional results on dark skin tones by selecting pigments that complement your skin’s undertones. 

Fair Skin
For fair skin, softer pigments are applied for a more natural look without appearing overbearing. 

Painless Experience
Microblading is typically considered a minimally painful process. Faces Med Spa estheticians will apply a topical numbing cream to reduce any discomfort. Many clients describe only slight discomfort during the process, but the stunning end result is worth it..

Indulge in a Personalized Microblading Experience at Faces Day Spa

Schedule a consultation today to wake up daily with the brows of your dreams. Our skilled estheticians will create a personailzed plan to help you reach your brow goals.  Take the first step towards a more confident, radiant you!