The Hollywood Carbon Peel: Everything You Need to Know

  • February 4, 2022

Dry, pale skin is something everyone is hoping to cover up this winter. Going make-up free isn’t for everyone, but with the Hollywood Carbon Peel you can get the exact confidence boost you’re hoping for this winter. Not only does this amazing treatment even up skin tone and minimize pigmentation, fine wrinkles and acne scars, it also improves skin tone and texture, creating a glowing tone and silky-smooth skin. Below our specialists dive deep into the Hollywood Carbon Peel, including everything from the treatment to post-care. 

What is the Hollywood Carbon Peel? 

The Hollywood Carbon Peel is a minimally invasive treatment that aims to revitalize the look of aging or damaged skin with no downtime. The Hollywood Carbon Peel evens up skin tone, minimizes pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and acne scars. Your skin will seem and feel more youthful! This treatment can be done once, but it is most effective when receiving follow-up peels. 

It’s A Collagen Stimulation 

Because of the heat drawn from the laser, it activates the body’s natural collagen and stimulates growth. Your skin will feel healthier and look younger!

Treatment Expectations

The process is so simple you won’t believe it! Our professionals will apply a small amount of carbon-based lotion to the face, which will look like a mud mask. They will then use a tool for the laser treatment. A faint cracking sound will come from the tool and a tingling or warm sensation may happen throughout the treatment. During each treatment, the laser will travel over your skin multiple times. 

Tips for Post-Treatment

Dry or peeling skin is not uncommon following your treatment. Be sure to keep your skin hydrated by using a gentle moisturizer. It’s also important to implement an SPF 30 or higher. Avoid retinol products and exfoliating. Treat your skin with care and be gentle, as your skin is fragile. Alastin Regenerating Skin Nectar is a great product to use following your treatment. It helps intensify results and will keep your skin clear, promote collagen and elastin growth and helps calm the skin following your carbon treatment. 

Let Us Help You Achieve Ageless, Silky Smooth Skin

Our goal at Faces Med Spa is to help clients love the skin they’re in through advanced, non-invasive medical treatments. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about our services and what treatments are perfect for your skin.

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